Centro di Ricerche Sismologiche

Broadband Seismometer at the OGS - Borgo Grotta Gigante Laboratory

in Sgonico - Trieste - Italy


Station Information:

Network: --

Station Code: --

Lat.: 45.730000N - Long.: 13.75000E - Elev.: 278

Start: 2002/01/01 (001) 00:00:00 Instrument CMG-40T 60 s - DM24 Mk3

Calibration file provided  by Guralp 

CURRENT DAY - Vertical component (BHZ) - 20 sps


Drumplot of the last 24 hours of vertical component  recorded by TSWA seismological station (UTC time, sampling rate=20Hz).
Data are automatically updated every 10 minutes.  The red line is the current time plot.  Current day data overwrite the previous day data.

References to  evn@inogs.it